Customer PC

This is one of my customer's PC's that i have built for his stepson. Perfectly crafted a couple years back. At the time of building this it was a high mid ranged PC. Now classified as a Mid Ranged Computer.
This is one of my customer's PC's that i have built for his stepson. Perfectly crafted a couple years back. At the time of building this it was a high mid ranged PC. Now classified as a Mid Ranged Computer.
This machine has underwent multiple upgrades and changes to get to where it currently is. The specs of this machine will forever change as i do my best to keep it up to date with modern technology. Future upgrades involve. . New Graphics card . New Motherboard. .New CPU (Going to AMD
Above image is one of my brother's PC that i have built for him. I have another brother's PC that i need to get a photo of. Although this PC is not needed much he wanted it to be future proof. The way we done that
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